Výplatný pomer spoločnosti HubSpot Inc

Aká je hodnota metriky Výplatný pomer spoločnosti HubSpot Inc?

Hodnota metriky Výplatný pomer spoločnosti HubSpot Inc je N/A

Aká je definícia metriky Výplatný pomer?

Výplatný pomer (Payout ratio) je pomer výnosov vyplatených akcionárom ku všetkým výnosom.

The payout ratio is calculated by dividing the dividends paid out by the net earnings for a certain period. It is usually expressed as a percentage. The part of the earnings not paid to investors is left for investment to provide for future earnings growth. Investors seeking high current income and limited capital growth prefer companies with high payout ratio. However investors seeking capital growth may prefer lower payout ratio because capital gains are taxed at a lower rate. High growth firms in early life generally have low or zero payout ratios. As they mature, they tend to return more of the earnings back to investors.

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť HubSpot Inc?

hubspot is the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform. since 2006, hubspot has been on a mission to make the world more inbound. today, 15,000+ customers in more than 90 countries use hubspot’s software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers. hubspot is headquartered in cambridge, ma with offices in dublin, ireland, and sydney, australia, and has been recognized by inc., forbes, and deloitte as one of the world’s fastest-growing companies. hubspot's software has helped companies worldwide change how they market and sell, while our innovative approach to company culture has helped redefine transparency and autonomy in the modern workplace. to learn more about hubspot's software, visit www.hubspot.com to join our team, visit hubspot.com/jobs