Prevádzková marža spoločnosti Telesis Bio Inc
Aká je hodnota metriky Prevádzková marža spoločnosti Telesis Bio Inc?
Hodnota metriky Prevádzková marža spoločnosti Telesis Bio Inc je -271.60%
Aká je definícia metriky Prevádzková marža?
Prevádzková marža je pomer prevádzkových výnosov vydelený čistými predajmi a vyjadrený v percentách.
Operating margin is an indicator of profitability and is often used to compare the profitability of companies and industries of differing sizes. Companies are collections of projects and markets, individual areas can be judged on how successful they are at adding to the corporate net profit. Not all projects are of equal size, however, and one way to adjust for size is to divide the profit by sales revenue. The resulting ratio is the percentage of sales revenue that gets 'returned' to the company as net profits after all the related costs of the activity are deducted.
Prevádzková marža spoločností v sektore Health Care sektor na NASDAQ v porovnaní so spoločnosťou Telesis Bio Inc
Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť Telesis Bio Inc?
sgi-dna, a wholly owned subsidiary of synthetic genomics inc., provides genomic solutions to advance scientific discovery. sgi-dna’s ever expanding suite of products, services, reagents, bioinformatics tools and instrumentation enables scientists to discover, design and build novel solutions for basic research, as well as for biomedical and industrial applications. sgi-dna’s genomic services include whole genome sequencing, dna synthesis, library design, bioinformatics, cell engineering, and plasmid dna cloning and purification. sgi-dna’s reagents include a complete suite of gibson assembly® and site directed mutagenesis kits as well as optimized cell lines such as vmax™ a novel, fast growing host system for molecular biology. to further enable synthetic biology workflows, sgi-dna offers the bioxp™ 3200 system. this fully automated genomics workstation allows the creation of double stranded dna fragments, automated cloning, as well as next generation sequencing dna library preparation.
Firmy s metrikou prevádzková marža podobnou spoločnosti Telesis Bio Inc
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