RSI spoločnosti The Hong Kong and China Gas

Aká je hodnota metriky RSI spoločnosti The Hong Kong and China Gas?

Hodnota metriky RSI spoločnosti The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited je 36.83

Aká je definícia metriky RSI?

Index relatívnej sily (Relative strength index - RSI 14) je technický ukazovateľ, ktorý sa radí medzi momentum indikátory a meria rýchlosť a zmenu ceny. Jeho hodnota sa pohybuje medzi 0 a 100 a používa sa na charakterizovanie prekupovaného a prepredaného stavu.

It is used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the trading of an asset. It oscillates between 0 and 100 and a stock is considered overbought when the RSI is above 70 and oversold when below 30. The relative strength index (RSI) is typically used on a 14-day timeframe and is calculated according to the formula 100 - [ 100 / (1 + RS)] where RS is the ratio of average gain to average loss. In the calculation of average gain and loss for a certain period, taking the prior value plus the current value is a smoothing technique similar to that used in calculating an exponential moving average. This also means that RSI values become more accurate as the calculation period extends.

Sudden large price movements can create false buy or sell signals in the RSI. The RSI is often used in conjunction with trend lines, as trend line support or resistance often coincides with support or resistance levels in the RSI reading. Watching for divergence between price and the RSI indicator is another means of refining its application. Divergence occurs when a security makes a new high or low in price but the RSI does not make a corresponding new high or low value. Bearish divergence, when price makes a new high but the RSI does not is taken as a sell signal. Bullish divergence that is interpreted as a buy signal occurs when price makes a new low, but the RSI value does not.

RSI spoločností v sektore Utilities sektor na HKSE v porovnaní so spoločnosťou The Hong Kong and China Gas

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť The Hong Kong and China Gas?

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, together with its subsidiaries, produces, distributes, and markets gas in Hong Kong and Mainland China. It is involved in the provision of liquefied natural gas, methanol, and coal and other chemicals; conversion and utilization of biomass; agricultural waste; and operation of natural gas refilling stations, piped city-gas projects, upstream and midstream developments, photovoltaic projects, water and wastewater treatment projects, energy exploration and utilization ventures, and aviation fuel facilities. The company supplies town gas to approximately 1.9 million customers. It also provides network connectivity, and data center and cloud computing services; and engages in the software development, solution implementation, and systems integration activities. In addition, the company offers consultancy and engineering contractor services, including utilities installation, infrastructure construction, and civil and building services engineering for public and private projects; and designs and manufactures gas meters and metering systems. Further, it is involved in water supply, and domestic sewage and industrial wastewater treatment serving 2.4 million customers. Additionally, the company manufactures polyethylene piping and fittings; and engages in the customers center, café, restaurant, retail sale, laundry, automatic meter reading system development, laboratory testing, payment gateway and related, project management, landfill gas project, financing, logistics, oil, research and development, property development, and securities investment activities. The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited was founded in 1862 and is headquartered in North Point, Hong Kong.

Firmy s metrikou rsi podobnou spoločnosti The Hong Kong and China Gas