Hodnota metriky Budúce P/E spoločnosti Solaris Oilfield Infrastructure Inc je 7.79
Budúci pomer P/E (Forward price to earnings ratio) vyjadruje pomer súčasnej ceny a odhadovaného zisku na akciu za ďalších 12 mesiacov.
The forward price to earnings ratio is similar to trailing price to earnings ratio but instead of net income uses estimated net earnings over next 12 months. Estimates are typically derived as the mean of those published by a select group of analysts with selection criteria varying. The forward price-to-earnings ratio is a powerful, but limited tool. It allows a quick snapshot of the company’s finances without getting down in the details of an accounting report.
• solaris oilfield infrastructure (nyse: soi) is focused on driving logistics and cost efficiencies for operators and service companies during the life cycle of oil and gas wells • the shale development has entered a new stage of evolution, whereby operational efficiencies have become the key differentiator for premier operators and service companies • on site operations (multi well pads, advanced rig moving technologies, quicker concurrent multi-well completions, on-site material handling, measurement and product value recovery) • supply chain management • logistical challenges have increased as operators are not only pumping more proppant per stage, but multi-basin development campaigns are yielding faster drilling and completion times, driving disproportionate proppant consumption and putting additional stress on existing infrastructure • soi is focused on addressing these industry challenges through its product offerings: o mobile sand silos for well site storage and delivery o mob