Vlastníctvo manažmentu spoločnosti Cemtrex

Aká je hodnota metriky Vlastníctvo manažmentu spoločnosti Cemtrex?

Hodnota metriky Vlastníctvo manažmentu spoločnosti Cemtrex Inc. je 0.00%

Aká je definícia metriky Vlastníctvo manažmentu?

Vlastníctvo manažmentu (Insider Ownership) je pomer akcií vlastnených akcionármi v rámci firmy (vlastniaci viac než 5% spoločnosti alebo s titulom riaditeľa či vedúceho oddelenia) a všetkých vydaných akcií.

A high value of insider ownership means that those working for the company have a large stake in the success of the company. This is sometimes seen as a sign that those running the company will work hard to ensure its success or believe the company's stock price will rise.

A change in insider ownership may come from exercise of option, stock grant and buying or selling of company shares. A purchase of company share signifies a confidence in the company's future performance by people who know the company best. Therefore, Net Insider buying is also an important indicator for investors.

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť Cemtrex?

cemtrex, inc. (nasdaq:cetx) is a diversified technology company that's driving innovation in a wide range of sectors, including smart technology, virtual and augmented realities, advanced electronic systems, industrial solutions, and intelligent security systems.

Firmy s metrikou vlastníctvo manažmentu podobnou spoločnosti Cemtrex