Net debt/EBITDA spoločnosti Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc

Aká je hodnota metriky Net debt/EBITDA spoločnosti Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc?

Hodnota metriky Net debt/EBITDA spoločnosti Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc je 6.49

Aká je definícia metriky Net debt/EBITDA?

The net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (Net debt/EBITDA) ratio measures financial leverage and the company’s ability to pay off its debt. It shows how long it would take the company to pay off all its debt with operations at the current level.

The net debt to EBITDA ratio is calculated as Net debt divided by EBITDA. It is similar to the debt to EBITDA ratio, but cash and cash equivalents are subtracted in net debt.

Net debt = short-term debt + long-term debt - cash and cash equivalents
EBITDA = net income + interest expense + taxes + depreciation + amortization

Lower debt debt to EBITDA ratio indicates the company is not heavily indebted and should be able to repay its obligations. Alternatively, higher ratio indicated the company is excessively indebted. The ratio varies between industries as different industries have different capital requirements. Usually, the ratio should be compared to a benchmark or an industry average to determine the company’s credit risk. Generally, a net debt to EBITDA ratio above 4 or 5 is considered high.

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť Agios Pharmaceuticals Inc?

at agios, we are doing incredibly important and difficult work. we are trying to discover and develop breakthrough medicines, and we have a clear motivator — people with cancer and rare genetic diseases who are counting on us to be successful. we are a science-driven research organization. we have built a discovery platform upon our expertise in the fields of cellular metabolism and precision medicine across three major focus areas: cancer metabolism, rare genetic metabolic disorders and metabolic immuno-oncology. it takes people with a diversity of thought, skills, passions and backgrounds to get us from the first stages of understanding new biology and discovering drugs to our ultimate goal of getting these medicines to patients who are waiting for them. our connection to one another and our work and our commitment to our values enable us to potentially change the practice of medicine by by striving for excellence and doing things differently. we call this the "other side of possible

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