Výnosy Q/Q spoločnosti Keyne Ltd

Aká je hodnota metriky Výnosy Q/Q spoločnosti Keyne Ltd?

Hodnota metriky Výnosy Q/Q spoločnosti Keyne Ltd je 34.77%

Aká je definícia metriky Výnosy Q/Q?

Štvrťročný rast výnosov (Revenue Q/Q) z roku na rok je zvýšenie príjmov firmy v porovnaní s výsledkami v korešpondujúcom štvrťroku minulého roku a vyjadreného v percentách.

Quaterly revenue growth is the amount by which revenue exceeds the revenue in a previous quarter. It is beneficial to look at a company's quarterly financials to identify how the company is performing over time not just during the current period. The usage of year over year comparison is advantageous in removing seasonalities in reporting the quarterly revenue growth and observing longterm trends.

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť Keyne Ltd?

Keyne Ltd, an investment holding company, primarily engages in the property and hotel development business in Hong Kong and Mainland China. The company is involved in the property rental and centralized heat supply businesses. It also provides management services. The company was formerly known as Nine Express Limited and changed its name to Keyne Ltd in March 2020. Keyne Ltd was incorporated in 2001 and is headquartered in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Firmy s metrikou výnosy q/q podobnou spoločnosti Keyne Ltd