Rok IPO spoločnosti Power Assets

Aká je hodnota metriky Rok IPO spoločnosti Power Assets?

Hodnota metriky Rok IPO spoločnosti Power Assets Holdings Limited je 2000

Aká je definícia metriky Rok IPO?

IPO je rok počiatočnej verejnej ponuky akcií spoločnosti, kedy sa začnú akcie firmy verejne obchodovať.

Through IPO a privately held company transforms into a public company. Initial public offerings are mostly used by companies to raise the expansion of capital, possibly to monetize the investments of early private investors, and to become publicly traded enterprises. A company selling shares is never required to repay the capital to its public investors. After the IPO, when shares trade freely in the open market, money passes between public investors.

Although IPO offers many advantages, there are also significant disadvantages, chief among these are the costs associated with the process and the requirement to disclose certain information that could prove helpful to competitors.

The IPO process is colloquially known as going public. Details of the proposed offering are disclosed to potential purchasers in the form of a lengthy document known as a prospectus. Most companies undertake an IPO with the assistance of an investment banking firm acting in the capacity of an underwriter. Underwriters provide several services, including help with correctly assessing the value of shares.

Čomu sa venuje spoločnosť Power Assets?

Power Assets Holdings Limited, an investment holding company, generates, transmits, and distributes electricity in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mainland China, and internationally. The company generates energy from thermal, renewable energy, and waste sources. It also distributes gas; transmits oil; holds property and deposits; and provides consulting, investing, trust administration, and management services. The company has a generation capacity of 1,004 MW renewable energy/energy from waste, 4,754 MW gas fired, and 4,216 MW coal/oil fired; and operates 114,000 km of gas/oil pipeline, as well as 400,700 km of power network serving 19,192,000 customers. The company was formerly known as Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited and changed its name to Power Assets Holdings Limited in February 2011. Power Assets Holdings Limited was founded in 1889 and is based in Central, Hong Kong.

Firmy s metrikou rok ipo podobnou spoločnosti Power Assets

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